Hello San Francisco Township residents,
There is a subject of high debate at the last 2 Township meetings. We want your opinion. CLICK TO SURVEY.
You have noticed the building work and read in the newsletter about our renovation project.
If not, here’s a recap:
- 2017 – Discussion at Annual Meeting about forming a citizens committee to function as planning committee to consider needed repairs and providing water for cleaning and bathroom for meetings and elections at the Township Hall. Supervisors requested a committee be established.
- 2018 – The citizens committee provided initial cost for phasing the repairs (Phase 1) and making building code compliant (Phase 2) focusing on providing indoor plumbing and a bathroom.
- 2019 – Citizens committee applied for historic status to be eligible for grants.
- 2020 – a thorough building assessment determined that the building had serious structural issues to be resolved before bathroom and plumbing could be installed.
- 2021- The committee focused on saving the historic building and secured a grant for $175,000 for foundation and building repair as Phase 1.
- 2022 – the foundation was rebuilt, the brick was tuck pointed, the chimney was stabilized, the windows were restored the wood was repaired and painted, gutters were put on and more.
- 2023 – the Committee now has come back around to the original intent – having indoor plumbing and a bathroom.
A survey was taken during the 2022 election and there was overwhelming support to continue restoration of our historic little school building. It is the only Chaska brick schoolhouse left in the county. The cost of Phase II was not known at the time of the survey. A bathroom would include a well and septic, major interior repairs including mechanicals, replace the floor in west room (rotted from leaky roof), plumbing and electrical work, all to have the building be code and ADA compliant.
The committee secured bids for all this work March 2023. Bids totaled approximately $130,000 and may seem like a lot but much of the cost is for repairs that are needed regardless of the bathroom. The bathroom costs include a well and septic tank which also increase the cost. The township has $88,000 of Covid funds for (sanitation improvements) that could be used. The books show a surplus of over 1 years reserve on hand. By using Covid funds, this bid is less than about $45 per resident and without Covid funds it is about $135 per resident. This would not be a tax increase.
Even though having a bathroom was the plan from the beginning of this project the Supervisors are hesitant to move forward on Phase II of the building project without constituent opinion. This is your chance to submit your opinion. You can answer the survey below or be present at the July 19th meeting or both to give your opinion.
Please respond before the July 19th meeting. Thank you.
Survey - 2023 Indoor Plumbing
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